Disability Pride Pennsylvania logo with Harrisburg underneath
Three layers of stairs that go to the front entrance of the Harrisburg capitol building.

Join us for an ADVOCACY day at our State Capitol in Harrisburg PA.

Schedule— MAY 1, 2024

9 - 12 PM: Pick up materials in the Main Rotunda and make your visits

12 - 1 PM: Meet us at the bottom of the front steps…as most of us know we have to walk all the way around. We will have snacks and waters for everyone!

1 PM: Press Conference with special guests: Theo Braddy- Executive Director of National Council of Independent Living, State Representative Joseph Hohenstein, Disability Attorney Tom Earle, Brittany Boyd-Chisholm- CEO of the Center for Independent Living of Central PA, Julianna Rodrigues- member of PCIL and the SWAG project administrative assistant, and more.

CAPITOL CRAWL immediately follows the press conference!! Show up to crawl, climb, assist, and cheer on this historical day! Why? The Capitol decided that they could open up the back doors for us but why should we have to go in the back doors so they don't have to change the front steps. Well we are tired of being asked to go in the back door! We want equal access! Every Pennsylvanian should be able to access the Capitol building through the same doors. We will ask Governor Shapiro to make it happen!

Be a part of history and climb, scoot, crawl up the stairs with us in solidarity. If you are capable you can volunteer to help others. Share this with all of your networks, we want to make a statement on May 1st that we are here and deserve equal access!


Make sure you REGISTER so we can count you in for the hand-outs, the official register for historical processes, and so we make sure to have plenty of water and snacks for everyone!! We will send out more information as we get closer. We will also have a call that people can log into for prep and pertinent information for the day.


An Accessible Front Entrance for all Pennsylvanians!

Accessible Transportation!

Affordable, Accessible, Integrated Housing!

Better Pay for Direct Care Workers!

Thank you to State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, his office, and our partners for their support on this important day!

#DisabilityPride #CapitolCrawl #Harrisburg #Advocacy #Rally #Community #Transportation #Housing #DirectCareSupport

Need more information? Reach out to us at Info@DisabilityPridePA.org or call us (267)788-5946 (Monday - Friday: 10am-5pm)